Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Future for the Newspaper

Since technology is advancing so quickly, I believe the future for the newspapers popularity will slowly fade away. In seconds you can view the latest news from your laptop, cell phone, radio, the airport, your home computer, on you’re way to work, etc. Why waste your time paying for something when it’s free so many other places? Honestly, I was never a big fan of the newspaper; I think its old fashion, dry, and boring. Like many other people, my mornings are always rushed and I never have time to actually sit down, eat a healthy breakfast and read the newspaper. I think its much more convenient when I’m working on homework and I need a break to check out the latest news online at anytime of the day.

I work at Starbucks and mainly the people who actually pick up and buy the newspaper are elder people. You know why? Because its old fashion, there used to it. They grew up only having the newspaper as an option to gather important information. But in the next ten fifteen years I believe everyone’s going to use the more advance technology to pick up the latest gossip. Especially since Go Green is on the move, newspaper is wasting paper.

On the other hand, small newspaper articles informing us about the High Schools football scores or how troop #65 for Girl Scouts sold the most cookies are important to parents. I think community newspaper articles will stick around because it’s special. Other than that, I think the future for the newspaper isn’t worthwhile and the Internet will become the new, newspaper.
-Gossip Girl


McNasty said...

I found your blog post pretty interesting. I agree with a lot of the points in which you wrote about. For the most part, your blog sounds a lot like mine, so I believe we're kind of on the same page as far as what the future holds for newspapers.

Gabrielle Baldwin said...

I do agree with the fact that the original newspaper has a generational stereotype. i also mentioned this in blogging about the future of newspapers.I wouldnt worry too much about the articles for parents to cherish, we could always print them out. i like that you are thinking on the green side of things. This has become a huge issue in our nation and i agree with the points that you made about that as well.