Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Email vs. Postal Service

E-mail wins this comparison easily. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I used postal mail besides when my dad sends me money or when I had to pay for my parking pass here at University of Washington Tacoma.

E-mail gives you access virtually anywhere you are. In a matter of seconds you could write an email, send it, and the receiver would get it automatically. It’s so convenient, even cell phones have e-mail access. Best of all its free! Unlike postal mail you don’t need to worry about adding costly extra stamps to the envelope because your document was too long or worrying if the address to your receiver was correct. E-mail allows an endless amount of space for your document and assuming the e-mail address is correct, there’s no way it wont get to your receiver.

On the other hand, postal mail does have some good. I do believe that its more personal and meaningful if you receive a letter hand written by someone you care about rather than getting an e-mail over the internet. Also when you order clothing off your favorite website (Nordstrom.com), that’s always a highlight of my day ( : !

Although I do enjoy receiving a meaningful holiday card through postal mail or getting my new favorite pair of jeans, e-mail is an everyday activity for me and I know I can reach someone much quicker and easier.

-Gossip Girl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG GOSSIP GIRL I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! you are like totally the super coolest person alive i love your show!!!