Sunday, October 19, 2008

Uncomfortable Purchasing Online?

Come to think of it, I can’t really think of many websites I’d feel uncomfortable purchasing an item online. Large corporations like Nordstrom, Mercer, Juicy Couture, Victoria Secret, etc are usually 100% reliable, and if it doesn’t work out you can always bring it back with full refund. Websites like Ebay would probably be my biggest concern. Even though I’ve never actually purchased anything from their website I think it’s a bit sketch. When looking up designer jeans, sunglasses, and handbags from the website you never actually know for sure if it’s going to look exactly like the picture. My friend Andrea showed me a Juicy Couture zip up and pants off Ebay that she wanted to purchase that said BRAND NEW but was half the price. Why would someone sell a BRAND NEW outfit off the website and only make half the prophet off of it? I kind of think it’s a scam and it’s not the actual designer brand [more like a knock off]. I’m sure some of the items are reliable, but not for me.

Other than that, I think purchasing items online is a safe bet. I actually buy a lot of things offline, since sometimes items on their website aren’t sold in their store. The only problem is the cost of shipping and handling.. sometimes it’s not worth it.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Search my name online ( : Search: My full name.
As seen before [when I looked myself up, haha] I got a couple results. The first link when I typed in my name was actually about me! It was the Direct Athletics page: The Women’s track and field summary of my meet results. I thought that was awesome, since I did work hard during track seasons in High School. The next link was the people directory to my facebook account. Followed by “About your teacher” website. My moms an elementary teacher and she talked about my sisters and I on her web page [how thoughtful ( : ]. Then the next four links were about an Eastmont invite, Renton invite, and Washington runners. Very exciting. Search: Last, First, United States
No results.

Search: last, middle, First, Washington
Fabulous. When I typed in every detail you could there were no results on my name. I’m happy with those results since when Professor Fry searched his name it stated what city he lived in, his age, etc. I think it’s important to keep information about you private. That’s why on my facebook account, I don’t give out too much information. Also I make sure no one unless you’re my friend on my account can access or see my profile. There are way too many stalkers/creepy old men that try and look up young girls (or guys). Now I know, there’s no way of looking much information up about me online. Yay ( :

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Future for the Newspaper

Since technology is advancing so quickly, I believe the future for the newspapers popularity will slowly fade away. In seconds you can view the latest news from your laptop, cell phone, radio, the airport, your home computer, on you’re way to work, etc. Why waste your time paying for something when it’s free so many other places? Honestly, I was never a big fan of the newspaper; I think its old fashion, dry, and boring. Like many other people, my mornings are always rushed and I never have time to actually sit down, eat a healthy breakfast and read the newspaper. I think its much more convenient when I’m working on homework and I need a break to check out the latest news online at anytime of the day.

I work at Starbucks and mainly the people who actually pick up and buy the newspaper are elder people. You know why? Because its old fashion, there used to it. They grew up only having the newspaper as an option to gather important information. But in the next ten fifteen years I believe everyone’s going to use the more advance technology to pick up the latest gossip. Especially since Go Green is on the move, newspaper is wasting paper.

On the other hand, small newspaper articles informing us about the High Schools football scores or how troop #65 for Girl Scouts sold the most cookies are important to parents. I think community newspaper articles will stick around because it’s special. Other than that, I think the future for the newspaper isn’t worthwhile and the Internet will become the new, newspaper.
-Gossip Girl